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A 17-year-old for Governor?

Yes, you heard that right, a rising senior for Governor. Why? Because young people are largely looked down on in society, but especially in politics. This run, no matter how symbolic it may seem, is meant to change that.

A real voice for young people

Young people are so often overlooked in politics, mostly because a lot of us can't vote. That doesn't mean that we should be seen as disposable or even worse, open to weaponization by politicians like Ron Desantis and dog-killer Kristi Noem. Young people are just as important as any other voter block in the country, and pushing us to the side or making us political pawns is something I won't stand for, nor should anyone.


This campaign is largely meant to prove to these uncaring politicians that WE MATTER, TOO!!

Vermont is largely seen by the rest of the country as the bastion for progress in America: It was one of the first states to legalize same-sex marriage, was one of the first to legalize recreational marijuana and is one of the biggest homes for the pro-choice movement. Now though, Vermont has a Governor who doesn't represent these values. Let's fix that.

Prove Vermonts commitment to progress

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