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My positions and what I stand for

Top priorities

Protect trans kids!

Across the country, and especially since I lost 2 years ago, hate against transgender people, specifically transgender youth, has skyrocketed. Many of the closest people to me in my life identify as transgender in some way, and I believe they deserve to be treated the same as any other would. I want to make sure nobody ever gets hurt or feels discriminated against because of their identity, and I want to make this wish as close to reality as possible.

High Speed rail

Our country is in desperate need for environmentally friendly transportation, and our current system just isn't working. That's why I want high speed rail to stretch all throughout the state of Vermont, allowing for a less wasteful, pro-environment transportation system to be put into place!


Electoral reform

The "electoral college" system Vermont has is broken. Plain and simple. What that means is the State Legislature can choose whatever candidate they want so long as nobody got 50% of the vote. A candidate can get 40% of the vote and win. Instead, Vermont should adopt an instant runoff system for a more fair system.

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